2022 03 21 Guidelines Updates 01E
2022 03 01 Guideelines Updates 01E
February 6, 2022 | 6:30pm
After consultation with the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario and following the decision of the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall to no longer require Contact Tracing (list of names) for those attending church services, it is no longer required in the Diocese of Hearst-Moosonee either. Nevertheless, we must maintain the physical distancing of 2 metres and therefore it is important to keep count of how many are in attendance at each service as not to exceed the 33% capacity of our churches.
If you have any questions, please contact the Chancellery.
Thank you for your continued cooperation during this difficult time.
Information for symptomatic or positive persons or high-risk contacts:
Porcupine Health Unit Novel Coronavirus (porcupinehu.on.ca)
Sudbury & District Public Health Sudbury & Districts – Home (phsd.ca)
Thunder Bay Health Unit Thunder Bay District Health Unit (tbdhu.com)
January 28, 2022
On January 20, 2022, the Province of Ontario announced a three-step plan to phase out restrictions on COVID-19.
Stage 1 — January 31, 2022
- Indoor religious services can be held at 50% capacity (maintaining the required physical separation, which is 33% of the capacity of our places of worship, so no change for us).
- Indoor meeting and event spaces can operate at 50% capacity (with the exception of wedding reception and dance halls).
- The limit for gatherings is increased to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors.
Stage 2 — 21 February 2022 (unless postponed)
- Indoor religious services are limited to the number of people who can maintain a physical distance of two metres between them.
- Indoor meeting and event spaces can operate at full capacity (with the exception of wedding reception and dance halls).
- The limit for gatherings is increased to 25 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.
Stage 3 — 14 March 2022 (unless deferred)
- Remaining capacity limits for religious services are lifted.
- Capacity limits are lifted in all indoor public facilities. Proof of vaccination will continue to be required in establishments where it is already required, in addition to other regular protective measures.
- The limit for gatherings is raised to 50 people indoors and no limit outdoors.
Regulations by type of gathering or establishment:
- Religious services
Religious services (including masses, baptisms, weddings and funerals):
Currently: indoor religious services are limited to 50% of room capacity (physical separation is required).
Stage 1 (from 31 January 2022): limited to 50% of room capacity (physical separation required).
Stage 2 (from 21 February 2022, unless postponed): limited to the number of people who can maintain physical distance.
Stage 3 (from 14 March 2022, unless postponed): remaining capacity limits for church services will be lifted.
Parishes are strongly encouraged to continue televising Masses during the provincial emergency. All COVID-19 protocols must be followed, including physical distancing and compliance with mask (face covering) rules. Collection of names and contact information is still required.
Archbishop Prendergast asks that religious services (including Mass, baptisms, weddings and funerals) continue to require physical distancing. We do not require proof of vaccination.
Congregational singing is not permitted at this time, in line with the WorshipSafe guidelines (6 August 2021). The permission of 10 November is lifted. A cantor or choir is also required to comply with the WorshipSafe guidelines (6 August 2021).
Parishes are encouraged to maintain practices regarding cleaning and disinfection (last revised 6 December 2021):
- Keeping facilities safe and clean for staff, volunteers and participants continues to be an important part of the response to COVID-19. Frequent hand washing and readily available hand hygiene supplies are a key control measure for everyone present.
- Clean and disinfect common and frequently touched surfaces as often as necessary to maintain sanitary conditions.
- Places of worship may consider cleaning high touch surfaces at least twice a day (when used) or after each use and/or each church service (e.g. separate groups of worshippers).
- Surfaces most likely to be contaminated include, but are not limited to, pews, door handles, handrails, lift buttons, water cooler buttons, light switches, toilet and faucet handles, ceremonial items, electronics, and tabletops.
- Indoor meeting and event spaces (i.e. church halls):
Currently: indoor meeting and event spaces are closed, with a limited number of exceptions.
Stage 1 (from 31 January 2022): Indoor meeting and event spaces are allowed to open. Capacity is limited to 50%. Singing and dancing are not allowed (except for performers).
Stage 2 (from 21 February 2022, unless postponed): Indoor meeting and event spaces are allowed to open. 100% capacity is allowed where there is no singing or dancing. Capacity is allowed at 25% where there is singing and dancing.
Stage 3 (from 14 March 2022, unless postponed): Capacity limits are lifted.
All protocols against COVID-19 must be followed, including physical distancing and compliance with mask (face covering) rules. The Province of Ontario guidelines require the following measures:
- Follow the advice, recommendations and instructions of public health officials, including their advice, recommendations or instructions regarding physical distancing, cleaning or disinfection.
- Persons wishing to attend an indoor event in a meeting and event space will be required to provide proof of vaccination: a. For funeral receptions held in an indoor meeting and event space (i.e. a church hall attached to the church) located in a place of worship – no proof of vaccination is required, but physical distancing is required.
- The rented space must be arranged so that customers seated at different tables are separated either by a physical distance of at least two metres or by a barrier.
- For funeral receptions held in an indoor meeting and event space (i.e. a church hall not attached to the church) that is not in a place of worship – proof of vaccination is required and physical separation is required.
- For wedding receptions and any other event held in an indoor meeting and event space – proof of vaccination is required and physical distancing is required.
For more information see: https://www.health.gov.on.ca/fr/pro/programs/publichealth/coronavirus/docs/guidance_proof_of_vaccination_for_businesses_and_organizations.pdf
- Requirement for individuals to wear face coverings in indoor public places, with a limited number of exemptions.
- Ontario limits events to 50% of capacity. Maximum capacity must be posted.
- A maximum of 10 people are allowed to sit at a table.
- The person in charge of the venue must record the name and contact information of each member of the public attending a meeting or event and must actively screen individuals. The COVID-19 screening tool for clients can be used to meet this requirement.
- The facility must have a safety plan that describes how it will comply with public health and occupational safety measures.
- Additional restrictions may apply if the rented space is used for events that allow patrons to dance:
- The provisions for establishments serving food or beverages with dancing areas (e.g., capacity of 25% or 250 people, whichever is less) will apply if food or beverages are sold or served while dancing areas are available.
The legal requirements for meeting and event spaces can be found in sections 2-4 of Appendix 1 of the following link: https://www.ontario.ca/fr/lois/reglement/200263.
- Outdoor meeting and event spaces:
Currently: outdoor gatherings or meetings are permitted.
All COVID-19 protocols must be followed, including physical distancing and adherence to mask (face covering) rules. The Province of Ontario guidelines require the following measures:
- Follow the advice, recommendations and instructions of public health officials, including their advice, recommendations or instructions regarding physical distancing, cleaning or disinfection.
- The maximum capacity must be posted.
- Clients should remain seated.
- A maximum of 10 people are allowed to sit at a table.
- The person in charge of the venue must record the name and contact details of each member of the public attending a meeting or event and must actively screen individuals. The COVID-19 screening tool for clients can be used to meet this requirement.
- If the dining room is covered (roof, tent, canopy, etc.), at least two of its entire sides or one side and the roof must be open and unobstructed.
- The establishment must have a safety plan that describes how it will comply with public health and occupational safety measures.
- No dancing or singing.
- Limited hours for the sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Legal requirements for meeting and event spaces can be found in sections 2-4 of Appendix 1 of the following link: https://www.ontario.ca/fr/lois/reglement/200263.
- Indoor meetings and gatherings:
Currently: maximum of 5 people for indoor meetings and gatherings.
1st stage (from 31 January 2022): maximum of 10 people.
Stage 2 (as of 21 February 2022, unless postponed): maximum of 25 people.
3rd stage (from 14 March 2022, unless postponed): maximum of 50 persons.
All protocols against COVID-19 must be followed, including physical distancing and compliance with mask (face cover) rules. Collection of names and contact information is required.
Currently: meetings and gatherings of 6 or more people indoors are not permitted at this time.
Stage 1 (from 31 January 2022): 11 or more people must follow all the rules in section 2 above.
Stage 2 (from 21 February 2022, unless postponed): 26 or more persons must follow all the rules in section 2 above.
Stage 3 (from 14 March 2022, unless postponed): 51 or more people must follow all the rules in Section 2 above.
- Outdoor meetings and gatherings :
Currently: maximum of 10 people for outdoor meetings and gatherings.
1st stage (from 31 January 2022): maximum of 25 people.
Stage 2 (as of 21 February 2022, unless postponed): maximum of 100 people.
3rd stage (from 14 March 2022, unless postponed): no maximum.
All COVID-19 protocols must be followed, including physical distancing and compliance with mask (face covering) rules. Collection of names and contact information is required.
Currently : Outdoor meetings and gatherings of 11 or more people must follow all rules in section 3 above.
Stage 1 (as of 31 January 2022): 26 or more people must follow all the rules in section 3 above.
Stage 2 (as of 21 February 2022, unless postponed): 101 or more people must follow all the rules in Section 3 above.
Stage 3 (from 14 March 2022, unless postponed): no maximum that requires following all the rules in section 3 above.
- Parish offices (from 5 January 2022):
Parish priests must limit the parish staff who are required to work on site based on the following requirement: Every person in charge of a business or public organization shall ensure that every person who performs work for the business or organization performs his or her work remotely, with certain exceptions, for example, where the nature of the work requires the person to be on site at the place of work (2.1 of Ontario Regulation 263/20).
Stage 1 (as of 31 January 2022): awaiting further details from the authorities.
- Information for symptomatic or positive persons or high-risk contacts:
Porcupine Health Unit Novel Coronavirus (porcupinehu.on.ca)
Sudbury & District Public Health Sudbury & Districts – Home (phsd.ca)
Thunder Bay Health Unit Thunder Bay District Health Unit (tbdhu.com)
If you have any questions, please contact the Chancellery.
Thank you for your continued cooperation during this difficult time.